Light & Land

Ben Osborne
Ben Osborne has been a wildlife and landscape photographer for 30 years. He has worked on all seven continents but is best known for his images of Antarctica in the book of the BBC series “Life in the Freezer”.
In 2007 he was Overall Winner of the “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” competition and won the “Creative Visions of Nature” category. His work was recognised by the Royal Photographic Society in 2008 through the award of an Honorary Fellowship.
With two zoology degrees, Ben initially worked as a scientist before switching to full-time photography. He spent 18 months working for the British Antarctic Survey on Bird Island (South Georgia) researching wandering albatrosses and monitoring seabird and mammal populations. Two years later he spent 9 months on a yacht surveying wildlife on South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. These experiences culminated in a 4-month commission from National Geographic magazine shooting images for a major feature about Antarctica.
Following a chance conversation on a sacred mountain in China, Ben became involved in the ground-breaking BBC series about Antarctica, "Life in the Freezer". He shot editorial stills for the series book and photographed the presenter Sir David Attenborough on location. Since then Ben has worked regularly with BBC film crews, shooting publicity and editorial stills for major wildlife series including “Blue Planet” and “Planet Earth”
In the last six years, Ben has made several journeys to Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands with leading polar cruise company “Polar Latitudes” and a photographic tour to Svalbard with Twin Tracks Expeditions. He recently qualified as a Polar Tourism Guide.
He also co-ordinates multi-artist landscape arts projects in the UK with the National Trust and other organisations.
“Light and Land” tours and workshops have been a key feature of Ben’s calendar over the last 15 years. The Knoydart tour is an annual highlight and tours to Greenland, New Zealand and Botswana have added geographical diversity to his photographic teaching.