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Andy Farrer reflects on his life in photography over the last year

21st January 2019

We talk to Andy Farrer who shares his thoughts, insight and pearls of photo-related wisdom from 2018…

Which image would you highlight from 2018?

“My favourite image of 2018 is this desert scene from Morocco [see above]. The Sahara Desert in the early morning sunlight is extraordinary. When looking at the sublime layers of sand reaching out into the distance it is easy to forget what an unforgiving, vast and baron environment the desert can be.

This particular morning shoot was especially rewarding. We had decided to defer our night camping in the desert by a day due to high winds, and we were thrilled to learn we had made the right decision when we awoke to a perfectly calm morning. The wind from the previous night had covered all the tracks in the sand and left beautifully pristine dunes in every direction. It was so still that I captured this image at 520mm with a shutter speed of just 1 second on my Canon EOS 5Ds. Certainly a workshop I won’t forget, with a really fun group of photographers”.

Any words of wisdom that you came across in 2018 that you’d like to share?

“I read an old quote from Dorothea Lange recently, and couldn’t agree more. “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”

Is there an interesting book (or exhibition or piece of music etc) you’ve read (seen, listened to etc.) in 2018 that you’d like to share?

“It’s been a hectic year for many reasons, but I always enjoy listening to music wherever I am. I’m currently playing a lot of John Mayer, and I’m also enjoying The Shires and a few other country artists. Alex Hedley is a Dorset singer/songwriter and talent to look out for in the future.

Is there a photographer whose work you’ve come across in 2018 that has really inspired or impressed you?

“During the course of the year I’ve been lucky enough to meet many amazing photographers, both in my capacity as a tutor with Light & Land and as a printer with my company, Fine Art Inkorporated. We’ve printed some incredible work and enjoyed, in many cases, producing the very first prints for several photographers. Seeing their enthusiasm and passion deepen throughout their photographic journey is deeply rewarding. Check out Jack Lodge and  Josef Fitzgerald-Patrick, whose work we always enjoy printing.

What food do you take on a shoot?

“Always coffee, and normally I have a cereal or protein bar in my camera bag for emergencies!”

If you could have any photographer(s) (dead or alive) over for dinner who would they be... and why?

“I know it’s a terrible cliche, but of course it would be amazing to chat with Ansel Adams. I would love to hear his thoughts on digital photography and how it has opened up the creativity of landscape photography”.

Who has been a photographic influence on you?

“There is so much world-class photography out there these days, that I can’t honestly pick just one person. The whole spectrum of landscape photography from all corners of the globe is truly remarkable. I’m grateful for each amazing image I see, not only to appreciate it, but to push myself forward and not get complacent. My feet itch more each time I browse, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!”

What's your favourite place on Earth to take photographs?

“Some of my local haunts take some beating, such as a temperature inversion over the Purbeck Hills with Corfe Castle emerging, but photographing the aurora over Norwegian mountains probably has to be my top pick”.

How do relax after a long day shooting?

“I enjoy a glass of wine while I import my images, and some good,home-cooked comfort food”.

To read more about Andy and to see his latest tours and workshops with Light and Land, please click here.

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