Light & Land

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‘Creative Interpretations 2’ with Adrian Beasley & Sam Gregory

21st October 2020

This is the second of our 'Creative Interpretation' livestream videos where Adrian & Sam take your raw images and edit them. These sessions are designed to spark creative ideas and interpretations and give you some photographic food for thought.

The sessions take place monhtly via the Light & Land facebook page. We encourage you to watch live so we can take your questions and comments during the session. If you would like to submit some raw files for Adrian & Sam to feature just use the upload link below. Please name your file (using your own name!) like this: 'sam_g.file'

Want To Take Part? Upload Files Here:

Our next 'Creative Interpretations' session will be on December 1st, 2020 (8pm) on Facebook. For more info about Adrian Beasley and his upcoming workshops you can visit his tutor page here, and similarly for Sam Gregory you can see his information here.

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