Light & Land

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Spotlight on…  Andy Farrer

19th December 2016

Would you like to get to know our Professional photographers better? Our new weekly feature will do just that ... 

This week the Spotlight is on... Andy Farrer!

★How long have you worked for L&L?

"Just a few months and looking forward to some exciting trips."

★When did you discover photography?

"Since being given my first camera as a child, I have always enjoyed photography. I did a full-time photography course in the early 90’s but got the landscape photography bug in 2007. Since then it has been a lot of early alarm calls and miles walked."

★Which camera do you use?

"I’m using a Canon EOS 5Ds and a 5Diii with a selection of lenses from 16mm through to 400mm"

★Favourite place you’ve visited?

"I love the English countryside and Jurassic Coast where I am based, but do love the cold Arctic landscapes of Northern Norway and the Lofoten Islands. Wonderful dusky light by day and green skies full of aurora at night."

★What’s your favourite image of yours? 

"My Ersfjordbotn Pink image, is one I am drawn back to. It’s a cracking viewpoint and the morning I photographed this I had driven my group about 4 hours on icy roads in the dark, hoping for some arctic light when we arrived. As we got close, the sky started showing hints of pink and as we turned the final bend in the road we all saw this view in front of us, we all became very animated. It is always a thrill when things go to plan and this was a day I shall alway remember fondly."

★What’s your favourite food?

"Nothing beats a good home cooked roast beef, yorkshire pudding with all the trimmings."

★If you could be any animal what would you be?

"A Golden Eagle soaring on the thermals I think. It would be very useful to get a good view when hunting for locations too!"

See all of Andy's upcoming tours and workshops here.

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