Light & Land

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Light and Land Leaders Meet Up in Wiltshire

13th December 2018

At the beginning of this week, our leaders flocked to deepest darkest Wiltshire to the cosy hall at Stourhead Gardens to come together for a day of discussions and generate ideas for 2019.

It was a very productive day, with new locations thought up along with the warm feeling of all meeting again to discuss photography after several months - the last time being during our Evolving Landscapes exhibition at the Oxo Gallery in July.

The day was followed by an evening of good food, fine wine and a game or two of skittles, with Charlie Waite being crowned 'King of the Skittle Alley"!!!

Unfortunately not all of our leaders could join us due to other commitments this close to the holiday season so we have a few missing faces in the picture. 

A good time was had by all though and we look forward to implementing the ideas generated in early 2019.

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