Light & Land

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New York City by Julia Moffett

5th February 2019

Towards the end of 2018, Paul Sanders led his popular annual trip to New York City for Light and Land.

Photographer and Light and Lander Julia Moffett has visited many locations with Light and Land over the past few years. This was her first New York tour with us. We are delighted to share her wonderful and very creative images below.

'The Oculus' by Julia Moffett - Looking up inside the Oculus

'Old Railhead, Liberty State Park' by Julia Moffett - This is the place to where, once processed on Ellis Island, new Americans were herded to make their way west. Now very quiet.

'ESB Full Moon' (well nearly!) by Julia Moffett - Hand held from the Highline

'Empire State Puddle' by Julia Moffett - The ESB reflected in a puddle.... people were having to jump to avoid wet feet. Hand held leaning on a parked car. This chap (with a green bag the same colour as the ESB paint) very kindly jumped three times for me!

'Boxing Training in Columbia Park' by Julia Moffett - Boxing practise in the pavilion in Columbia Park, China Town, Manhattan.

If you would like to join Paul for his next adventure in New York City, please click here.

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