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On Location in Puglia by Shay Parsons

5th December 2022

Our tour to Puglia was a realy delightful week. Warm weather, good food, beautiful locations and outstanding care from Charlie and Astrid.

The variety of shooting opportunities was a real feature of the trip, and the schedule was relaxed enough to give us time to take advantage of ever-changing light conditions and detours to hidden spots.

We visited Matera, losing ourselves in the maze of historic streets and alleys, and Polignano a Mare with its soft light and bustling squares. Ostuni provided a chance to brush up on our panoramic shooting and then lose ourselves again in the old town. On our last day we immersed ourselves in Alberobello, meeting the challenge of photographing the Trulli. These are a feature of the landscape around Alberobello but the town is a symphony of roofs and decorative turrets. But we weren't just confined to towns and cities; Charlie and Astrid had found a 3000-year old olive grove, a vineyard bursting with grapes (a lucky find as many nearby grapes had been harvested, leading to some nervousness en route from our hosts!), and a small fishing village which just happened to have a towering Benedictine monastery overlooking the tiny harbour. There was something for everyone where we were fans of expansive views, small details, architecture or nature. 

For the whole tour we benefited from Charlie and Astrid's generosity, organisation and good humour. This was a tour which will stay in the memory for a very long time indeed. Shay Parsons.

Taken during a Light & Land Photography Tour Puglia 2022.

Join Astrid McGechan on the next Puglia Tour 2023.

Puglia Photography Tour | Puglia Photography Holiday | Puglia Landscape Photography | Light and Land

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