Light & Land

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“This is my Truth” photography exhibition

31st May 2018

The Bosham Gallery presents This Is My Truth, an exhibition of Charlie Waite's all-time favourite photographs, printed for the very first time in large format, along with new work from 2017-18.

"The word truth is important to me because I need to have parity between my human experience in a landscape and my emotional response when I look at the finished print."  Charlie Waite

"The engagement with large prints can be really very profound. It's much more of an immersive experience; we are talking about deep inward feelings rather than an intellectual response. Ultimately the success of a photograph can be judged by whether the print evokes in the viewer the same emotional response that the artist experienced out in the field when they captured the moment. A large print can stimulate emotions in the viewer that a smaller print sometimes struggles to achieve.  Printing in large format is now an exciting reality which has for the first time enabled an incredibly detailed rendering of Waite's best work, allowing the audience to get ever closer to his 'truth'."
Luke Whitaker, Curator

The exihibtion is open 2nd-30th June 2018. Please note the gallery is closed on Tuesdays.

1, The High Street


West Sussex

PO18 8LS

Charlie will also be exhibiting new work at the OXO Gallery on London's South bank as part of Light and Land's Evolving Landscapes exhibition 18th-22nd July 2018.

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