Light & Land

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Spotlight on… Phil Malpas

28th November 2016

Would you like to get to know our Professional photographers better? Our new weekly feature will do just that ... 

This week's 'Spotlight on' is Phil Malpas!

★How long have you worked for Light & Land? 
"I travelled on the first ever L&L trip in 1994 as a client with Charlie to The Lake District and also the first ever L&L tour abroad to Tuscany in 1995. I was leader of my first tour in 2002 to Barcelona and the Pyrenees and since then have led 94 tours in total!"
★When did you discover photography? 
"I always had my Dad’s hand-me-down cameras from when I was about 6. I became really keen after attending night classes in Swindon in 1989."
★Which camera do you use?
"I use lots of cameras but whilst on tour I tend to have my Nikon D800. I have an Ebony 45SU view camera and recently treated myself to a Rollieflex 2.8F which is nearly as old as I am!"
★Favourite place you've visited? 
"I always say that my favourite place is the one I’m in at the moment – but if pushed I would have to say I have really enjoyed our 3 visits to Myanmar and I’m really looking forward to going back in February 2017."
★What's your favourite image of yours?
"Favourite images change all the time – but I guess one I’ve always liked was taken at sunrise on Rannoch Moor during one of our Glencoe workshops" 

★What's your favourite food?
"I’m not really fussy about food – probably have to say chocolate biscuits!"
and finally, 
★If you could be any animal what would you be?
"I’d quite like to be a Red Kite – I see them every time I play golf and they are majestic!"

See all Phil's upcoming tours here.

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