Light & Land

Verity Milligan
Verity is a photographer and educator currently working out of the city of Birmingham. Verity started out working in moving image and spent the first part of her working life as an academic teaching at various Universities in the field of media, documentary filmmaking and digital storytelling. Raised in the ex-steel town of Corby, she has always been intrigued by urban landscape and this is reflected in her work depicting the ever-evolving cityscapes of the UK, especially Birmingham.
Despite the industrial backdrop of her youth, whenever possible she would spend time in the countryside, either birdwatching or painting watercolours. After graduating with an MA in Visual Culture in 2007 she picked up a DSLR for the first time and has been slowly and methodically honing her craft ever since. In addition to having several commended images in various national competitions, she has recently become an ambassador for Zeiss and writes a monthly column for Practical Photography.
For Verity, there is little better than a misty morning with a grand vista and the prospect of some light. On any given day you might find Verity amongst the fells of the Lake District or seascapes of the Outer Hebrides. She is passionate about the landscapes that the UK has to offer as is happiest when outdoors at sunrise. Unsurprisingly, she is also a huge fan of naps.